Scales have slowed down this week. Which while somewhat disappointing, not at all surprising. Continuing at the rate I was just wasn't sustainable. Plus, the benefit of being in an online world with hundreds of others who have gone before me, I know that stalls are normal. It may even last a few weeks (let's hope not) but it will pass.
Despite a slow on the scales lots of things have happened this week.
I've had to admit, for real, the boobage loss. I needed a new nanna beige bra (come on, everyone needs a beige tee shirt bra). I was wearing an 18E. Not anymore! Nope, nope, nope. New bra 18D. Yeah, yeah, a D isn't anything to scoff at, but I'm a big fan of big boobs. So allow me to be a bit sad.
I've also had to retire a pair of shorts. Because they are too big. Plus I've managed to get into jeans a whole size smaller. Except they are way too long, so probably won't get a run. It's ok, the next size down (that are the right length) are pretty close to fitting too. Oh and a top my mum gave me, that was too tight to be worn in public, now looks ok to wear out.
I have 4 amazingly beautiful skirts in my wardrobe that I used to wear pre kids. I'm so close to fitting into those again too, which is so exciting. Until of course they get too big and I have to chuck them out.
Oh and best news, the wound that was looking dodgy is on the mend. When the surgeon saw it he said he thought it was a stitch trying to push its way out. The other night, the stitch came out! Oh yeah! So now, fingers crossed, that wound will finally heal up.
I think one of my jobs this week will be to find some of those things you can add to your rings when they are too lose. My wedding rings are getting close to that point. Moving around all the time and moving up when I shake my hands. Would hate to lose them.
This week I'm also sneaking back to the dance floor. Really missing dancing and figure if I can tear around work, I can tear around the dance floor. My dance teacher seems to notice when I've lost as little as a kilo or two, can wait to see him notice how much I've lost now. I'm just doing private lessons (no late nights at social and the pub afterwards for now) and hoping to be able to get a routine ready for achievement day at the end of next month. Wish me luck.
This week has brought lots of highs and the joy of some new foods but it hasn't been all roses. This week I've been soooooo tired. Foggy brain, short temper, early nights. I'm hoping now that my eating is getting better and I'm hopefully getting more calories in, I will start to feel less tired.
I'm managing to get more fluids in, including a powerade, which I feel is helping. Plus double dose of my multi vitamin.
Also had my first real craving this week. I'd kill to be able to smash down a cold soft drink. But alas, no bubbles for now, if ever.
A friend told me off on the weekend for not blogging enough. But honestly, nothing super interesting is happening at this point. Was way more interesting pre op. But I shall try to blog more often and come up with stuff. If anyone wants to know stuff? Or had stuff they would like me to blog about, please let me know here or on the fb page.
So anywho,