Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cantankerous and craving carbs

So it's day 8 and every single shake I drink tastes worse than the last. The bars are just as disgusting. Maybe soups or mousse will help? Maybe not. Lets be honest, probably not. 

End of week 1 and I've lost 4.5kg in total. I should be pleased with that, but cantankerous me just can't be happy with much at all I'm afraid. 

Struggling to get enough water in. Water and I have never been friends. Blah. 

Craving carbs BIG time. Would love to eat hot chips and a pie and mash potato and cheesy corn chips. Oh and bread. How I'm missing bread. Gnocchi, roast pumpkin, risotto. *sigh*

Here I was thinking it would be chocolate and lollies I would crave, but nope. It's carbs. 

And the social element of food. Was going to do something with the kids today, but they would all have to buy lunch and I get water. Boo hiss. Catch up with friends over coffee? Oh nope, can't do that. Delicious smelling food for my family and nothing for me. 

I know it's only 4 weeks. I know I need to think of the end goal. I know I will and can do this. But I know I don't have to pretend its easy or fun or remotely tasty. 

Today this sucks. 


  1. Have you tried putting the bars in the freezer ( only works for the chocolatey type ones). Makes them taste better and takes longer to eat them. I've also put diet jelly crystals in the vanilla shakes. Good Luck! xxx

  2. tentative hugs... hope this phase soon passes you by. would crunching on ice help get the water into you? pretend its someone's head that you don't like??

  3. 4.5kg is a fabulous result, keep up the good work :)

  4. way to go Kint......4.5kg is amazing hope your taking pics of yourself throughout the process :) Heres to an even hotter Kinty ;)

  5. Hey Kint, such a great effort... so let me tell you this... one gram of carbs hold 2.5kgs of water... kick those carbs to the curb baby... here comes a new you... imagine the things you will do soooo much easier... you can do it honey... think of the light at the end of the tunnel... proud of you xxx

  6. Cheers for Grumpy Kint -she is only present because Give-up Kint isn't in charge!

    You can do this!

  7. you can do this Kint!! 4.5kg is a great start! I know that doesn't help right now but don't give up!! you can do this.

  8. Hey you are doing great! Can you drink herbal tea, instead of coffee when you catch up with friends?

  9. carbs are sugar so you are craving what you thought you might! Chin up ! ......also wondered do you receive counselling/support from the professionals involved during this 4 week prep?
