Monday, January 27, 2014

Return to work

Today I went back to work. 

Day 9, feeling fine. 

It was just meetings, no teaching yet, I'm not allowed to do that until next Monday. But was nice to be surrounded by other grown ups to talk to. Quite a few people said they can notice a change in my face already. I'm not quite convinced just yet, but it was nice of them to say anyway. 

I was completely ready too. Set my alarm for 6:45am. On Monday. Yep, just let that sink is ummmm Tuesday. So my alarm didn't go off, oh no. I was rudely awoken by hubby shaking me at 7:55am. 


Asked hubby to throw food (pfft drinks) in my handbag for the day while I threw clothes on and brushed my teeth and flew out the door. 

It's a 40-45min drive to work. We are supposed to be there by 8:30am. Do the math there... Late! Turns out we didn't need to be there until 9am today, phew, so I was safe. 

Some interesting observations however. I've stopped snoring...already! I knew my weight impacted on my snoring but I'm surprised losing so little (in the big scheme of things for me, I know almost 12kg would be huge for others) has made such a big change. 

My body is beginning to distinguish different types of foods. Which sounds odd, but stay with me. Obviously I still taste stuff, (although I'm finding things super sweet which is interesting for a massive sweet tooth) but previously my tummy felt no different having something like an up & go or apple juice. Both very different consistencies. 

But today, I had a sustagen prima, which felt heavy in my belly. I felt thirsty and wanted something wet. Dairy based stuff doesn't feel wet. (I'm sure I'm not making sense) but I didn't want another dairy drink, I wanted juice or something. (Water still hurts). Didn't have juice, a colleague kindly offered some of her iced tea (right kind of wet). Then later the school nurse offered me an icypole. Yah! 

Been a good day. Need to get my head back in the game in terms of work. But finding this new tummy of mine and the changes interesting. 

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